Law Firms

Qualified potential client meetings on your calendar without lifting a finger

We set up a marketing and sales system, generate leads, qualify the leads, and book you calls with your ideal clients

What Can You Expect From Our Call?

We will audit your current inbound processes

We’ll create your free, customized plan

Book A Time
Is your firm facing these challenges?
Lack of Time

Not enough time and energy to spend on endless prospecting?

Lack of Resources

Struggling to find the resources and support needed to grow?

Lack of Growth

Not growing as fast as you thought you'd be?

Burned by Agencies

Past agencies over-promised but under-delivered?

That's Why We're Here To Help

We fill your calendar with meetings from potential clients you want to work with.

We take all the headaches and hassle of marketing and sales off your plate so you can focus on closing the potential clients we send you.

And the best part is - we do it all for you
What Does That Mean For You?

You don't have to learn the ins-and-outs of lead generation, follow-up sequences, hire anyone to manage the system, or make sure you're abiding by best practices. Simply give us access to your calendar & we'll book the meetings for you.

Book A Time
Everything you get from working with us

Process Audit & Deep Dive Into Your Firm

Inbound Infrastructure Creation & Management

Created Assets For Lead Generation

Advertising Creation & Management

Follow-Up Management & Booking

Weekly Performance Reporting & Analytics

What else can you expect from us?

Qualified meetings on autopilot

You don’t have to do any work. We handle all your outbound and you get meetings on their calendar.

Proven skillsets

No need to screen, make job posts, onboard, and train sales talent with no guarantee that they will perform. You get a team of experts from day 1.

Consistent lead flow

No more contacting clients and asking for referrals. You can reliably expect qualified meetings on your calendar every week.

So How Does Everything Work?
This is how we make sure we only book you calls with qualified prospects

First, we do a deep dive into your firm

We’ll do a deep dive to understand your firm as if we were part of your in-house team. We’ll collect data on your offers, ideal client type, and learn more about your firm to build creative assets, email and call scripts, and a marketing & sales infrastructure completely DONE FOR YOU.


Email & Call Scripts
Advertising Channel Options
Marketing & Sales Infrastructure

Then we launch your campaigns

After we create all the assets you approve them, we launch the campaigns, follow-up with, and qualify the leads that come in based on your specific criteria. We split test different elements of the assets we create to make sure we get the best results and maximize the number of quality leads generated.


Marketing & Sales Asset Creation
Advertising Campaigns
Email & Call Script Testing

Finally, you get meetings without lifting a finger

After the campaigns are launched, we follow up and nurture all the leads to get the interested prospects booked on your calendar. We handle everything end-to-end, and you get qualified meetings booked on your calendar without having to lift a finger.


Follow Up Management
Pre-Qualified Meetings
Weekly Reports

Ready to increase your case load?

What Can You Expect From Our Call?

We will audit your current inbound processes

We’ll create your free, customized plan